Sunday, March 24, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression (Post 3)

When it comes to the concept of expression via speech not many individuals know the base values. There are eight values consisting of "Marketplace of Ideas", "Participation in Self-Government", "Stable Change", "Individual Self-Fulfillment", "Check on Governmental Power", "Promote Tolerance", "Promote Innovation", "Protect Dissent". Two prominent expressions that seem to carry over into todays world view are "Protect Dissent" and "Promote Innovation". 

Protect Dissent refers to the protection of speech no matter how unpopular. You have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government — and everyone else. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government" (Steven Shiffrin). Social media outlets have taken over the 21st century containing tons of articles and news reports, along with opinions of very adamant persons pertaining to a certain topic. I believe that protect dissent is important because it holds a foundational understanding for The First Amendment. Allowing individuals to voice their opinions is important. This allows for civil conversation to be explored and meander through the intricate background of dialogue. The protection for the criticization of the government allows people to express their needs and wants from the leaders of the United States. By chance if the government was not founded with the first amendment and the expression of protect dissent was not called upon there would be anarchy. Riots would pollute the city streets and no one would be able to have a say in what the government promotes. Despite facing so much backlash with the prestigious amount of the censor ship coming from multiple social media platforms along with news broadcasting systems it is applicable to all U.S citizens that they can create or find private networks to preach their values. This is why I believe that "Protect Dissent" is so vital to our great nation. This expression resonates with me due to the reason that so many individuals seem to be persecuted or targeted by others for voicing their opinions.

With censorship becoming the main headlines in todays world it is quite hard to "Promote Innovation". Promote innovation refers to "a community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways" (Jack Balkin). Ideas are mostly generated through one person. That person carries on their research and opinions but the only time it starts to become perfect is when others share thoughts and opinions. This allows for generation of ideas that can directly help society as a whole. I believe this expression is another key factor in the terms of The First Amendment due to allowing citizens to freely cultivate ideas without persecution. The expression "Promote Innovation" is personal to me because I think believe people feed off of other peoples energy. This can refer to the boosting of moods via an inspirational speech. Also the publications of podcasts has a lot of opinion based conversations on topics that I love being informed on so I am better equipped if a debate is needed or general knowledge. Keeping speech interesting is imperative to keeping a calm and collected society.

Informational Crash Course on Freedom of Speech: 

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