Tuesday, April 30, 2024

EOTO Presentation Reax #2 (Blog #10)

What I Learned

When listening to Elliot Baratta’s presentation of misinformation, disinformation and malinformation I was captivated. The use of these is used a bit more often than people believe. Most information obtained today is altered a certain way. Media outlets spin and form headlines and titles to adapt and please their audience. Certain people only listen to the things that line up with their beliefs. So, news articles are altered in certain aspects to better equip the consumers. Misinformation is a form of information that is false to mislead others regardless of intent. For example Elliot mentions that there was a Tik Tok posted about Disney Land lowering the drinking age to 18. People believed it for a little just because people saw the economic return it could have for Disney. But in reality no state is going to lower the drinking age limit as that is a national law. There was also no talk ever about lowering the drinking age within the walls of Disney it was just pure lies.

 Now for disinformation which is commonly referred as 'Fake News' as the information given isn't true. Disinformation is deliberately created to harm, manipulate, or mislead others. The example here was that Trump was spending thanksgiving golfing and tweeting when in fact he was in Afghanistan feeding soldiers in a war zone. This story was fabricated to paint someone in a bad light. This is a form that happens to often with media outlets.

    Malinformation is a type of information is based off of fact but is taken out of context in order to mislead, harm and manipulate. This is where media outlets closely inject their own agenda or beliefs. They take actual events but just manipulate them slightly to contour to their consumers, The story that was used as an example was Trump disrespecting dump out the jar of fish food with the president of China. But in reality he was following the Chinese Presidents footsteps as the president of China tossed the rest of the fish food he had into the pond.

    Individuals have to be careful on what they believed is said vs. what is actually committed. Many news sources are not reliable in this day and age. “X” actually provides users with a warning that the information being displayed may be false information. This is where I try to stay up to date with information regarding the nation and the world. Be careful with what you believe is being put out there as only certain individuals know the truth. 

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